The Ed Block Courage Award for NFL Athletic Training Staff of the Year is voted on by the PFATS membership and recognizes one NFL athletic training staff annually for their distinguished service to their club, community, and athletic training profession. Ed Block was the head athletic trainer for the Baltimore Colts from 1954-1977. Block suffered a massive coronary during training camp in 1978. The players that he cared for over his career are the same players that rushed to aid, performed CPR and saved his life that summer. Following that incident, he continued to serve as an Athletic Trainer Emeritus with the Colts from 1979 to 1983, where continued to mentor the athletic trainers that followed. Ed Block was inducted into the NATA Hall of Fame in 1974. His tireless contributions towards the healthcare of the Baltimore Colts, was second to his efforts as a humanitarian. Ed Block made significant contributions to improve the lives of children everywhere. The Ed Block Courage Award Foundation is committed to provide hope for children who are abused and neglected, with the goals of both raising awareness and supporting child abuse prevention. For more information regarding Ed Block and the Ed Block Courage Awards, please visit

Previous Winners
- 2023 - Buffalo Bills: Nate Breske, Denny Killington, Tabani Richards, Joe Micca, Marissa Figueroa
- 2022 - New York Football Giants: Ronnie Barnes, Steve Kennelly, Leigh Weiss, Justin Maher, Mike Baum, Phil Buzzerio
- 2021 - Miami Dolphins: Kyle Johnston, Troy Maurer, Naohisa Inoue, Jon Boone, Jasmin Grimes
- 2020 - Dallas Cowboys: Jim Maurer, Britt Brown, Greg Gaither, Hanson Yang
- 2019 - Cleveland Browns: Joe Sheehan, Gordon Williams, Shone Gipson, Patrick Rock, Stefan Varner
- 2018 - Washington Redskins: Larry Hess, Elliott Jermyn, Doug Quon, Mark McCracken
- 2017 - Minnesota Vikings: Eric Sugarman, Tom Hunkele, Rob Roche, Albert Padilla, Dave Jantzi
- 2016 - New England Patriots: Jim Whalen, Joe Van Allen, Daryl Nelson, Michael Akinbola
- 2015 - St. Louis Rams: Reggie Scott, James Lomax, Byron Cunningham, Tyler Williams
- 2014 - Buffalo Bills: Bud Carpenter, Greg McMillen, Chris Fischetti, Shone Gipson
- 2013 - Houston Texans: Geoff Kaplan, Roland Ramirez, AJ Van Valkenburgh
- 2012 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Todd Toriscelli, Shannon Merrick, John Ames
- 2011 - Green Bay Packers: Pepper Burrus, Kurt Fielding, Bryan Engel, Nate Weir
- 2010 - Philadelphia Eagles: Rick Burkholder, Chris Peduzzi, Steve Condon, Joe O'Pella
- 2009 - San Diego Chargers: James Collins Jr., Damon Mitchell, Will Rogers
- 2008 - Pittsburgh Steelers: John Norwig, Ryan Grove, Ariko Iso
- 2007 - Buffalo Bills: Bud Carpenter, Greg McMillen, Chris Fischetti, Shone Gipson
- 2006 - Miami Dolphins: Kevin O’Neil, Troy Mauer, Ben Westby
- 2005 - New Orleans Saints: Scottie Patton, Kevin Mangum, Duane Brooks
- 2004 - Carolina Panthers: Ryan Vermillion, Mark Shermansky, Reggie Scott
- 2003 - Jacksonville Jaguars: Michael Ryan, John Burrell, Joseph Sheehan
- 2002 - Dallas Cowboys: Jim Maurer, Britt Brown, Greg Gaithers
- 2001 - San Francisco 49ers: Lindsy Mclean, Todd Lazenby, Jeff Tanaka
- 2000 - Tennessee Titans: Brad Brown, Don Moseley, Geoff Kaplan
- 1999 - New York Football Giants: Ronnie Barnes, Steve Kennelly, Byron Hansen
- 1998 - Detroit Lions: Kent Falb, Joe Recknagel, Bill Ford, Mike Hopper
- 1997 - New England Patriots: Ron O’Neil, Kurt Brummels
- 1996 - Minnesota Vikings: Fred Zamberletti, Chuck Barta
- 1995 - Washington Redskins: Lamar “Bubba” Tyer, Al Bellamy, Kevin Bastin
- 1994 - Oakland Raiders: George Anderson, Rod Martin, Jonathan Jones
- 1993 - Arizona Cardinals: John Omohundro, Jim Shearer, Jeff Herndon
- 1992 - Green Bay Packers: Domenic Gentile, Kurt Fielding
- 1991 - Kansas City Chiefs: Dave Kendall, Bud Epps
- 1990 - Indianapolis Colts: Hunter Smith, Dave Hammer
- 1989 - Cleveland Browns: Bill Tessendorf, Ron Medlin, Mark Smith, Leo Murphy
- 1988 - Seattle Seahawks: Jim Whitesel, John Kasik
- 1987 - Denver Broncos: Steve Antonopulos, Jim Gillen
- 1986 - New Orleans Saints: Dean Kleinschmidt, Kevin Mangum
- 1985 - New York Jets: Bob Reese, Pepper Burruss, Joe Patton